Saturday 18 February 2012

Oatmeal Cookies - Mom

These are, quite possibly, in my opinion at least, the best oatmeal cookies you will ever taste. There are some combinations of ingredients that are unmistakable winners butter-brown sugar-oats is one of them. Add in some vanilla and sweetened desiccated coconut and you have something amazing. The recipe was contributed to the UCW cookbook as Crunches by Edna Orr, who is a bit of a kindred spirit with Mom when it comes to sharing tactics. She listed the ingredients but not what to do with them maybe she assumed that you already know the basics of how to make cookies so don't need instructions?  Luckily I do know how to make cookies and I can manoeuvre through her badly out of order ingredients.
Oatmeal Cookies
Pre-heat the oven to 350^F (that’s 177^C)
In a mixer beat together until fluffy and pale
1 cup butter
1 ¼ cup brown sugar
Then add in and keep beating until well mixed
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
Turn the speed of the mixer down and add in
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
Once the flour is fully mixed into the dough, turn the mixer off, take the bowl out and stir in by hand
2 ½ cups rolled oats
1 cup sweetened desiccated coconut
Drop the dough onto cookie sheets by the teaspoon full.  If you have extra big cookie sheets, this is the time to use them, I got 80 cookies out of this recipe – 80! 
Bake for 10 – 12 minutes until they are caramelised golden brown.

I don't know what happened to my memory but I was not expecting this many cookies from this recipe, eighty!

Monday 13 February 2012

Pancakes - Mom

I thought it was necessary to have a good start to the week today, so even though it breaks with the tradition of pancakes on Saturday, I decided to make pancakes for breakfast on Monday.  I have never really understood why people buy pancake mix, you’re just paying way over the odds for flour, baking powder, and sugar, you still have to add your own eggs, oil and milk, and you get miserable pancakes out of the endeavour, what is the point?
Mom’s pancakes were fluffy beyond belief and perfectly balanced at that tipping point of being barely sweet enough to eat plain but made infinitely better by a sugar laden topping that somehow did not make them too sweet to eat.  And this may be the only time she ever made notes beside the recipe of her changes (thank-you Mommy).  I know most Canadians eat their pancakes with syrup, we didn’t because Mom had a brief stint as an apiarist when we were young so we had gallons of clover honey from her bees to eat on our pancakes we also extended the toppings on offer to jam and Dad’s ever present peanut butter.
   please note:  either use sugar in the dry ingredients or honey in the wet ingredients - not both
Pre-heat a non-stick pan or electric griddle to medium-high heat, if you don't have non-stick use a regular pan but be sure to lightly oil it before and between cooking batches.
In a large bowl, preferably one with a handle and pouring spout mix your dry ingredients together
1 1/2 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder (it's the baking powder that makes them fluffy)
1/2 tsp salt
     (and if you're not putting honey in your wet ingredients)
  4 tbsp sugar
In another bowl mix your wet ingredients
1 egg (beat well)
1 1/2 cups milk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 tsp vanilla
     (and if you didn't use sugar in the dry ingredients)
  4 tbsp honey, preferably clover honey
Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients, mix together until just incorporated, it's okay to have some lumps on the batter, it's not okay to over mix the batter which will toughen the pancakes.
To test if the pan or griddle is hot enough to cook the pancakes, run a bit of water from the tap over your fingers and flick the drops of water onto the pan, they should dance and evaporate immediately.
Pour batter onto the hot pan or griddle into approx 10 cm / 4 inch circles, they will spread out a bit more, if your pan isn't big enough to accommodate make them smaller.  Wait until they are golden on the under-surface and the top has bubbles that stay open when they pop around the edges but still close when they pop in the middle.
You only get one flip, once you've broken the seal between the batter and the pan you can't go back, a little peek at the edge is fine if you're not sure it's browned by the time the bubbles stay open but try not to disturb it otherwise.  Also, don't use the spatula to push down on the pancake after flipping while it's cooking, I know it's tempting when the pancake gets a puffy spot and you want the pancake to be perfectly level, but what you're doing is mashing the almost baked batter inside the pancake and creating a tough spot in the finished pancake.  The puffy spot is only a temporary steam pocket and it will deflate itself after you take it off the heat, I promise, and you will have an evenly risen pancake.
Mmmm, pancakes with jam, a good start to the week.
One last thing, Mom's notes also state to Double the recipe, with two adults and three growing children it doesn't really serve enough for a greedy family, and expect people to be greedy once they get a taste.  
Since my household isn't nearly that big, I'll be eating the leftovers for breakfast again tomorrow and given that it's valentines day tomorrow, I had a bit of fun.
Heartcakes with my pink Italian honey made by bees that got to live in a strawberry field.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Bread - a tribute to Mom

I don't have my Mom's bread recipe and I'm not going to ask for it, I found out a year or so ago that she used to monkey with it every time she made it.  And by monkey I mean she'd sometimes make the recipe as directed, other times she'd rummage through the fridge where anything starchy and white, like leftover mashed potato, would be viewed as filler and she'd mix that into the dough - no lie, she's admitted this.  Which explains why sometimes we'd have loaves of bread so fluffy and huge that a single slice would look like a giant cross section of a mushroom and had to have the sides trimmed to fit into the toaster and other times they'd be so squat that you'd need four miserable little slices the density of roofing shingles to make a full size sandwich.  So now we all know.
But despite her varying successes I love fresh bread on a deeply rooted level, the warmest, homiest, safest, most emotionally soothing of all smells is fresh bread.  So many times I can remember coming home from school to home baked warm crusty bread and thinking that my mom was some sort of magician, and I feel so highly accomplished when I make bread myself.  While loaf bread is highly practical, I have to admit that it was fresh baked buns that were my favourite, in our family there was many a war over getting the crust slice of the loaf, buns were all around crust.
So it's a given that my Mom's bread recipe is not going to be recovered and even if it could be who knows which version would emerge.  If I'm honest, I don't even think it's necessary to get back to her recipe, I just want to be able to make a medium density loaf of white bread or a batch of buns with a reasonable hope of consistent results.  Also, I'm not going to be a purist to laud the merits of kneading by hand (you learn the texture of the dough better /  it's good for your arms), I paid good money for a high-end stand mixer that is supposed to be a 'tough' machine, I let it do all the hard kneading.  This is my recipe for bread, the result of a few years of trial and error, mixing and matching several recipes to get the right loftiness, softness and crustyness of the home-made bread of my childhood memories (I block out the funny bread when I reminisce).  Lastly, I'm sorry for being all over the shop with the measuring units, that's what happens when you mix recipes.
Mix together
1/2 pint of water
1 tsp sugar
14 gram dry active yeast (2 sachets if you're using them)
Put in a warm place for 5 - 15 minutes to check that the yeast is alive and happy to work for you.  I used to mix the dry yeast straight into the flour, because some yeasts you can do that, but I think one time a box of yeast got a bit old and it stopped working so well, a nice frothy head of yeast bubbles makes me feel assured that the rest of the work isn't going to go to waste.
Measure into the bowl of your mixer
400 grams white flour - all purpose / plain flour works fine, bread flour does too if you have it
1/2 tsp salt
Give it a little mix to distribute the salt then pour in the yeast liquid, attach the dough hook and start the machine.
When the dough starts to come together add
1 tbsp of vegetable oil
Then let it run on low speed for about 10 - 20 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.  I always used to wonder what that meant, smooth and elastic, this is my conclusion:  basically it goes from looking/feeling slightly clumpy and sticky to a solid wad of dough and looks almost like there's a bit of a sheen on the surface it'll want to stick to itself more than to the bowl.  The difference is minimal in the photos, hope they help though.
Then put it back in your warm place covered with a clean tea towel.  I don't bother with all the take the dough out, wash and oil the bowl, form it into a nice round ball, cover with oiled cling-film, what ever else you're supposed to do, you can if you want, I just plunk it by the radiator and leave it there for half an hour, give or take, until it's double in size.
The fun bit, gently punch it down to knock out the big air bubbles, then scrape it out of the bowl onto a lightly floured counter and give it a few kneads by hand then roll/stretch the dough out into a log. 
If you're making a loaf turn the log 90^ so the length faces away from you and starting like a snail but pushing down like you're trying to compress a sleeping bag, roll it up into another log - if you rolled it perfectly to the right length (wow, well done!) give the ends a good pinch to seal up the roll layers, if not tuck the ends under to shorten it to fit or roll/stretch it out if you need to lengthen it - put it seam side down into a greased loaf tin.  It will relax a bit when you drop it in there, the dough should half fill the tin, be level on top and touch all four walls of the loaf tin, if it doesn't, take it out and manipulate it until it does, roll/stretch, tuck, punch with your knuckles, cut some away, whatever you need to do.
If you're making buns divide the log into 6 to 12 even sized pieces (however big you want them), then one at a time, with a claw hand over each piece roll it in circles on the counter into a ball until the surface is smooth (I'm still working on my two-at-a-time-two-hand technique) circle away from you with the heal of your hand circle back using your fingers, then place evenly space on an greased baking tray.  You can give it a push to flatten it out a bit if you want a lower wider shaped bun.
Put your dough back in your warm place covered again with your tea towel for half an hour, give or take until double in size - don't let it over-rise thinking 'yeah - big loaf' it will deflate in the oven and disappoint greatly.
About 15 minutes into your wait for the dough to rise, take a peek under the towel to see how fast things are working to gauge when to start pre-heating the oven.
For both bread and buns pre-heat the oven to 200^C, at this point make sure that your rack is in the middle of the oven.
When the oven is hot and the bread is ready to go pop it in the oven, for buns bake for 15 minutes at 200^C, for a loaf turn the oven down to 180^ as soon as you close the oven door and bake for 30 minutes, the higher initial temperature helps to make a nice brown crust on the top early in the bake and that should help the loaf rise straight up out of the tin rather than bulging sideways over the top (doesn't always work but ya gotta try).  It's done when you knock on the bottom of it and it sounds hollow.
I've never done the trick of putting a pan with some water in the bottom of the oven to add steam for an extra crusty loaf, I've heard too much steam can mess with your oven's thermometer and I don't need an extra variable in my bread making just yet.
After they're done, transfer to a wire rack to cool as soon as you can to stop the steam condensing against the tin/tray and softening the crust.  A loaf of bread will not react well to being cut open while too warm, leave it alone, let it cool properly to keep as much of that steam inside the bread as possible, that's what makes it soft.  Buns on the other hand, as long as they haven't merged together in the rising you can rip one open, melt some butter in there and munch away.  Be careful not to burn your mouth but you're not going to ruin the batch by eating one, which might be a contributing factor to them being my favourite, that and the all around crust.