Monday 13 August 2012

Waffles - Mom

Most weekends had a pancake day but occasionally my Dad's persistent requesting would pay off and we'd have waffles.  Mom hated making them, absolutely hated it.  I tried making waffles once when I was young (sharing my Dad's love of them) and it was a disaster.  I can't remember what the reasoning was, whether it was my inexperience in the kitchen at the time or just Mom not wanting me to make so much of a mess so early in the morning but I made pancake batter and used it in the waffle iron.  It might have worked but I think I opened the waffle iron too early and half of the waffles stuck to one plate and half on the other, and I couldn't scrape them out in big pieces.  I don't remember if I got yelled at but I was told to get the pancake griddle out and make pancakes then spent the morning after breakfast scraping out the waffle iron.  I didn't try again.

A few years ago, Mom's seriously cool industrial-esque vintage waffle iron with its heavy metal plates finally broke.  It did nearly 30 years of service in our family and it was an ancient hand me down inherited by Mom from one of Grandma Ross' friends who was moving.  Mom rejoiced when it broke thinking she would never have to make them again and Dad insisted on buying a new one.

I don't have a waffle iron so I've been waiting to get my hands on a waffle iron to add them to the blog.  I can understand why Mom hated making them, whisking egg whites before breakfast is asking a bit much of anyone, and the old waffle iron only did two waffles at a time so they used to take forever, the new iron now makes four waffles so there's some improvement to the process.

Separate the eggs and whisk up to firm peaks
2 egg whites

In your big mixing bowl mix together
1 1/4 cups milk
4 tbsp veg oil
2 egg yolks

Sift into the wet ingredients
1 1/4 cups of flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar

Mix the wet and dry ingredients together until smooth then fold in the egg whites.

Follow the directions for your waffle iron and cook until golden. 
While these stuck to the upper plate, at least they didn't rip in half!

And a double batch of batter made a big plate of waffles for the whole crew!

Breakfast is served and my nephew Parker pronounced them "Num" on the first bite.


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