Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Nutella Thimble Cookies

It's World Nutella Day and since my niece Kayla is a nutella fiend*, but all the way over in Canada, I thought I'd long-distance-tease her with some nutella thimble cookies.

I used the same recipe as my birds nest cookies but omitted the step of dunking the dough in egg white and rolling it in coconut.  Then I filled with nutella instead of jam.

*Kayla and I both think that the ultimate spa day would involve relaxing in a giant hot-tub-sized vat of nutella.


  1. Those look decadent!! Yummm!!!

    1. thank-you, they were tasty!

      I've come to the conclusion that I need a mini-mini ice-cream scoop to measure out cookies, mine is 30ml and these cookies were a little big, I need one that's about 10ml - 15ml.


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